Educational Podcast with Campbell Law Reporter

Educational Podcast with Campbell Law Reporter

I am thrilled to share my conversation with Jenna from the Campbell Law Reporter with you! I enjoyed discussing my book as well as my plan to use He Said, She S.A.I.D (Sexual Allegations in Divorce) …And Then He Went to Jail, as a catalyst to educate the public. You...

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Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power

April is recognized as National Child Abuse Prevention Month to create awareness of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse as well as the many forms of neglect. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a video that cites that 1 in 7 children are abused....

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Hear Bruce’s Interview on the Justice Tech Pros Podcast

It was so interesting to share my story with podcaster Dominick Crea and his audience this week. The interview was wide-ranging, starting with my own personal experience of being falsely accused to how the criminal justice system can be improved to explaining how...

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Abolish Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Virginia

Abolish Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Virginia

The 2021 Virginia General Assembly is debating whether to abolish mandatory minimum sentences for certain crimes committed in Virginia. The legislature should do so immediately. The State Crime Commission has recently recommended such action when it voted 9-2 on...

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Ending Virginia’s Death Penalty

Ending Virginia’s Death Penalty

Virginia has executed more prisoners, except Texas, than any other state in the country. But now things are changing with a democratically–controlled legislature in Richmond, for the first time in a generation in Virginia. A bill currently sponsored by Senator Scott...

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False domestic abuse claims

False domestic abuse claims

Did you ever yell at your spouse in a heated argument or touch your partner’s arm to emphasize a point in contention? If you’re like me (and millions of others), you have, and you may have also subjected yourself to being served with an order of protection. Some...

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Pre-Order Deal!

Pre-Order Deal!

Order 5 or More Books and Receive a Free Discussion Guide Order Before Jan. 15 and Schedule a Free Zoom Session with the Author for Your Group

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Making Progress on Virginia Judicial Reform

Making Progress on Virginia Judicial Reform

December 16, 2020—The Virginia legislature has recently addressed two key long-awaited reforms designed to make the criminal justice system in Virginia fairer to defendants. Criminal Sentences Now to be Imposed by Judges—Not JuriesVirginia was one of just a handful of...

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My Book is Available on Amazon!

My Book is Available on Amazon!

As of December 11, 2020—I wanted to let everyone know that my book, He Said, She S.A.I.D. (Sexual Allegations in Divorce)…And Then He Went to Jail, is now available for pre-order on Amazon as a paperback and as an ebook

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