The Divorce Atomic Bomb Through an Expert’s Eyes
Great video from Dean Tong, a False Abuse Expert and friend of mine. https://youtu.be/SR0_ryU4ZsU
Commentary on the Depp-Heard Defamation Trial
The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial exposed the fact to the world that not all women are abused by men, just because they may allege physical or sexual abuse. In a fair civil trial, which by all accounts the Depp-Heard Virginia civil trial was, Depp was able...
Health Interrupted Podcast
Listen to my episode of the Health Interrupted Podcast!
Listen to my Podcast Interview
On April 19, I had the privilege of appearing on Headline Books’ “Zoom Into Books” online author interview feature. In less than 24 hours, nearly 6,000 people had viewed the interview, in which I shared the story of being falsely accused and then imprisoned for crimes...
Discussion with Stephane of Divorced Dad Diaries
During my discussion with Stephane from The Divorced Dad Diaries podcast, we discussed the pitfalls of being your own advocate in a divorce. My book, He Said, She S.A.I.D. (Sexual Allegations in Divorce), recounts how ill-prepared I was to counter false allegations in...
Book Signing
Join me on May 15th at The Winchester Book Gallery for a Book Signing from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.!
Educational Podcast with Campbell Law Reporter
I am thrilled to share my conversation with Jenna from the Campbell Law Reporter with you! I enjoyed discussing my book as well as my plan to use He Said, She S.A.I.D (Sexual Allegations in Divorce) …And Then He Went to Jail, as a catalyst to educate the public. You...
Knowledge is Power
April is recognized as National Child Abuse Prevention Month to create awareness of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse as well as the many forms of neglect. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a video that cites that 1 in 7 children are abused....
American Justice Podcast Features Bruce in Special Episode Series
The American Justice podcast is in the process of producing season two but in the interim has released a special series featuring fascinating subjects. Bruce McLaughlin was featured as episode number three in this limited series and spent time speaking with podcast...
Hear Bruce’s Interview on the Justice Tech Pros Podcast
It was so interesting to share my story with podcaster Dominick Crea and his audience this week. The interview was wide-ranging, starting with my own personal experience of being falsely accused to how the criminal justice system can be improved to explaining how...
He Said, She S.A.I.D.
It is a parent’s worst nightmare. The police bursting into your suburban home, accosting you in bed, arresting you, and hauling you off to jail. All while your 10-year-old son watches from the shadows in terror.
Bruce McLaughlin lived through this nightmare in May of 1998. He was booked that night on charges of abusing his children—falsely accused by his wife amid an emotionally charged divorce that had already permanently shattered and scarred their family.
In this first-hand account of the months and years that followed that night, Bruce shares his confusion, fear, rage, and indignation as he was booked, tried, convicted, and jailed for an abhorrent crime he did not commit. Even as an attorney, Bruce found himself ill-prepared for the challenges he faced in proving his innocence, restoring his reputation, and rebuilding a life.
Bruce McLaughlin’s story is a cautionary tale for any parent contemplating divorce. “More than 80% of abuse accusations leveled amid divorce proceedings,” he warns, “prove to be false.” Now an advocate for those falsely accused, Bruce’s experiences, insights, and advice are required reading for any parent contemplating divorce. “You have to go into the process prepared and with your eyes wide open. I did neither.”
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: AlphaGraphics Loudoun (2020)
ISBN: 978-1-7347834-0-7
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