I am thrilled to share my conversation with Jenna from the Campbell Law Reporter with you! I enjoyed discussing my book as well as my plan to use He Said, She S.A.I.D (Sexual Allegations in Divorce) …And Then He Went to Jail, as a catalyst to educate the public. You...
April is recognized as National Child Abuse Prevention Month to create awareness of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse as well as the many forms of neglect. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a video that cites that 1 in 7 children are abused....
The American Justice podcast is in the process of producing season two but in the interim has released a special series featuring fascinating subjects. Bruce McLaughlin was featured as episode number three in this limited series and spent time speaking with podcast...
It was so interesting to share my story with podcaster Dominick Crea and his audience this week. The interview was wide-ranging, starting with my own personal experience of being falsely accused to how the criminal justice system can be improved to explaining how...
Did you ever yell at your spouse in a heated argument or touch your partner’s arm to emphasize a point in contention? If you’re like me (and millions of others), you have, and you may have also subjected yourself to being served with an order of protection. Some...